(Atlantic) The scorching conditions today can cause heat exhaustion for those people working outside and the vulnerable population.
Cass County Public Health Nurse Linda Edelman says signs of heat exhaustion may develop suddenly, especially with prolonged periods of exercise, and may have an elevated effect on the vulnerable population. “This includes infants, small children, older adults, people with medical conditions, outside workers, and overweight individuals are at more risk than others to suffer from heat exhaustion,” stated Edelman.
Edelman says the best way to prevent heat exhaustion is to drink lots of water and stay inside. “If must go outside, drink lots of water, never leave children or pets in a closed, parked vehicle,” said Edelman. “Wear a hat preferably with a brim, lightweight, loose-fitting clothing, and wear sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher.”
Edelman runs down the list of the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion. Edelman says the most severe symptoms people overheating can experience are; heavy sweating, becoming pale, muscle cramps, weakness, and dizziness, fatigue, headaches, fainting, and possibly an upset stomach”
Edelman says if these symptoms appear, head indoors, and cool off and if these symptoms don’t go away within an hour, seek medical attention.