(Atlantic) Atlantic City Administrator John Lund says 2020 has proven to be a challenge for every individual, business, industry, and government worldwide. Lund says the year has taken a toll on us all.
Despite the challenges, the Atlantic community has proven itself resilient and shown unity and support of each other in ways that America’s largest urban areas can only aspire to,” said Lund. “As an organization, the City of Atlantic has found itself in a position of enviable fiscal strength.
With the public sector in dire straits across the many American States, Atlantic is ready to capitalize on the moment with strategic investments that should reduce long-term debt issuance and subsequently reduce the property tax burden while ensuring the Mayor & City Council’s priorities of reliable, quality public infrastructure along with a well-equipped and trained staff that are capable of guaranteeing public safety, superior culture and recreation opportunities, and adequate finance and administration of local government.”
The proposed budget for FY 2022 totals $14,638,261; this is a decrease of -11.19% or $1,844,008 from the FY 2021 Revised Estimate of $16,482,269. As a result, Lund says the City’s combined property tax levy shall remain at the level set in the FY 2021 Budget.