(Atlantic) The Atlantic School Board voted to extend the district’s temporary face mask policy to the March 10 School Board meeting. At this time, the board will revisit the issue and decide whether to continue it or make some changes.
The School Board first implemented a temporary face mask policy on October 23. The board voted to extend it on November 18, December 9, and December 16.
Atlantic Schools Superintendent Steve Barber recommended the board extend it in situations where it is impossible to social distance. He says the mask mandate has benefited the district by not having to quarantine individuals who have been determined to have close contact with both parties wearing masks given the guidelines on mask mandates. He says this has also helped with some of the consistency for teachers.
Barber says the Governor continues to require masks in public places. He says it appears that COVID will be with us for some time; although having some vaccinations is encouraging, he thinks it would help to stay with the face mask policy. Barber said Wednesday, at present, 14-students were under quarantine.
The board agreed to keep the policy in place and re-visit the issue in a couple of months.
In other business, the Board approved Atlantic Schools Superintendent Steve Barber’s recommendation to continue to provide 10-days of COVID-19 leave only for the following reasons. The employee is subject to a Federal, State, or local quarantine or isolation order related to the virus, or a health care provider has advised the Employee to self-quarantine due to concerns related to COVID-19, or the employee is experiencing the symptoms of COVID-19 and seeking a medical diagnosis.
The COVID-related leave balances would not “start over” for those employees who have already used all or a portion of this leave. Sick leave can be used for those who have exhausted the 10-days of COVID leave.
The Federal COVID -19 sick leaves expired on December 31, 2020. The board needed to decide how to handle sick leave and quarantine during the second half of the school year. It was noted some staff utilized the emergency leave before the expiration, while others have not.
The School board also approved February 10 as the date for a public hearing to amend the school calendar to allow for a Professional Development Day on February 22 instead of a regular school day.
The School Board also regretfully accepted the resignations of Atlantic Head Football Coach Mike McDermott, School-to-work Coordinator JoAnn Runyan, and Achievement Center Custodian Lindsay Williams. The approved contract recommendations for Laura Juhl, Paraeducator, Tracy Purkapile, Car Driver, and Adam Smith, Middle School Wrestling Coach.