(Des Moines, IA) — It’s been two weeks since Iowa lawmakers announced their plan for property tax reform.
“We’re not trying to rush anything forward, we know that when you’re trying to tackle something of this magnitude it isn’t something you should rush forward,” said Iowa House Speaker Pat Grassley.
The current proposal would cap property tax raises at two-percent, but Pat Grassley says they’re meeting with different groups to make sure they get it right.
“We’ve been having some good meetings with groups coming in, whether they are advocating for changes or they’re advocating for or against the bill, whatever it be, I think that those conversations are happening,” said Grassley.
Democratic House Minority Jennifer Konfrst says she’s heard from the public on the proposal, “We have seen folks who are just pretty skeptical about what will happen and if their property tax bills will go down. We have had property tax reform for several years, people’s rates are still going up, so they’re pretty skeptical about what the actual impact will be.”