(Greenfield, IA) — It was routine business for the Adair County Supervisors on Tuesday. One highlight was the Adair County Police are replacing their current communications tower — County Sheriff Jeff Vandewater says the old one was old and they cannot use any of the footings or anything on the old tower so it will be moved but not far
After the new tower is up and running, 30 days later the old tower will be taken down.
The County Supervisors also approved the 2nd tier canvas of the Orient Macksburg CSD special election, approved wages for the township clerk, approved a 5 day liquor license for a Vintage Farm event, appointed Steven Jorgensen as Veterans Affairs Commissioner, approved the use of Adair County roads for the upcoming Bonnie and Clyde run, and approved the use of Mainstreet Greenfield for upcoming events including the anniversary of last year’s tornado.
The supervisors also held a public hearing to vacate portion of the Adair-Cass Avenue — there were no public comments so the resolution passed unanimously.