(Atlantic) Atlantic School’s Superintendent Dr. Beth Johnsen updated the Atlantic School Board on the robotics program, snow days, the school calendar and other items Wednesday evening.
Dr. Johnsen said they unfortunately could not keep the robotics team alive as they did not have enough kids show interest.
Dr. Johnsen said they will get the Robotics program going again next year. She said they get to keep the grants, they just can’t reapply for the NASA grant.
As far as snow days, Dr. Johnsen said they have three and a half hours left on student attendance before they have to make up time. She said they have a plan in place if there are more snow days, which could include going full days on Wednesdays.
Dr. Johnsen addressed the cell phone policy. She said right now they are in a holding pattern to see what happens in the legislature. If legislation passes, it would be state law that students could not have their cell phones out during instruction time, as well as during lunch or passing periods. The School Board agreed to wait to see what happens in the legislature before they change the cell phone policy.
Dr. Johnsen also noted that City Councilman Mike McDermott presented the idea of the City and School splitting the cost of renovating the tennis court at Washington Elementary and turning it into a pickleball court.
And, Dr. Johnsen presented the school board with two School Calendars for the 2025-2026 school year. The school start date is August 25th. One calendar includes a full week off for Spring Break and Easter together. Another calendar splits up the time off.
No action was taken on the School Calendar. A public hearing will be held on the 25-26 Calendar and Budget on March 26th at 6:30 p.m.
The School Board approved the following:
Resignations and/or Retirements
Communications Specialist
Middle School Football Coach
Recommendation to Hire
Softball Coaches for 7th and 8th Grade
Assistant Girls Soccer Coach, Irelyn Gundy
Volunteer Coaches for 2025 Spring and Summer sports
Internal Transfer Teacher for 25-26, Dara Bartz
Substitute Bus Driver, Harrison Hoegh
Building Secretary, Emma Langer
New Position Special Education Teacher for 25-26, Bri Wilson
Teacher for 25-26, Val Torres
Teacher for 25-26, Ben Andersen
Teacher for 25-26 Ashley Coffman