(Red Oak) The Montgomery County Emergency Management Agency says shortly before 11:30am today (Wednesday) staff detected an unknown leak coming from the ceiling in a daycare classroom at the Red Oak Early Childhood Center within the northwest portion of the building. Facility maintenance as well as technicians for the facilities HVAC system were contacted and responded.
Children from the affected room and area were relocated within the building as a precaution. Once confirmed, it was determined that a substantial freon leak was ongoing within the classroom and with direction from emergency responders, poison control, ROECC/ROCSD staff, the decision was made to proceed with partial building evacuations for the affected areas and the determination to close the Center for the day was made at that point. Air quality was monitored within the structure and the affected area was sealed off until further inspection and isolation of the leak could be made.
A determination on whether or not the center will remain closed on Thursday, February 27th will come from the Red Oak Community School District & Red Oak Early Childhood Center after a full inspection of the system and overall operation is completed.