(Massena) The City of Massena has issued a drinking water health advisory as the Massena Water Supply has high levels of Manganese.
Do not give tap water to infants under six months old or use it to make infant formula.
Recent water sample results, received on December 30, 2024, showed manganese levels at 0.58 mg/L—nearly double the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) short-term health advisory limit of 0.3 mg/L for infants.
Manganese is a naturally occurring element essential in small amounts for overall health, but excessive levels can pose significant health risks, particularly for infants. Formula-fed infants are especially vulnerable because mixing formula with high-manganese tap water could lead to levels exceeding recommended dietary needs. Infants exposed to elevated manganese levels may face an increased risk of developmental and behavioral issues.
The EPA’s health advisory for manganese in drinking water warns against prolonged exposure above the 0.3 mg/L threshold, which could also impact adults’ nervous systems over many years. However, short-term risks primarily affect infants under six months old.
Key Recommendations for Residents:
-Do not use tap water to prepare infant formula or food for babies under six months old. Use bottled water or an alternative water source instead.
-Do not boil tap water. Boiling does not remove manganese and can concentrate its levels further.
-Tap water remains safe for bathing, showering, brushing teeth, and cleaning purposes for all ages.
Greenfield Municipal Utilities, recently hired to assist with Massena’s water system, is working with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources to address the issue. Residents will be notified when manganese levels return to safe levels.
For more information, contact Dawn at 712-779-2295 or PO Box 109, Massena, IA 50853. Residents are encouraged to share this advisory with others who may rely on the Massena water supply.
This health advisory was issued by Massena Water Supply on December 31, 2024.