(Atlantic) Atlantic Assistant Police Chief Paul Wood addressed the City Council on Wednesday to announce the opening of a new satellite location for “Project Harmony,” a leading child advocacy organization, at Cass Health in Atlantic.
Project Harmony is a vital resource for children and families in crisis. It currently serves Douglas and Sarpy Counties in Nebraska and 16 counties across Southwest Iowa. The new location in Atlantic strengthens its partnership with Cass Health, ensuring that children who have experienced abuse or neglect receive comprehensive, community-based care.
According to Officer Wood, Project Harmony personnel will be available in Atlantic every Thursday.
Wood explained that Project Harmony officials had engaged local law enforcement, county attorneys, and other stakeholders to gauge interest in establishing the satellite office. This Omaha-based organization is extending its reach to counties on the eastern edge of its service.
Officer Wood also noted that the Police and Sheriff’s Departments jointly handle approximately 15 to 16 cases of child sexual abuse annually, in addition to other child abuse cases.