(Audubon Co) Discussion continues on the consolidation of City and County Law Enforcement in Audubon County.
Representatives from the City of Audubon met with the Audubon County Board of Supervisors on November 12th to discuss possibly consolidating the police department with the Sheriff’s Office. At that time, it was agreed to form a committee of representatives from both the County and the City so they can hash out what is fair for everyone involved.
At today’s Audubon County Board of Supervisors meeting, Board Chair Heath Hansen said they have had several very productive meetings, but he didn’t want to release anything publicly at this time since not everything has been concluded yet.
In other news, the Supervisors heard a request to apply for the Urban Forestry Grant from the DNR. These are reimbursable grants to purchase trees, mulch, tree staking/protection and supplemental watering in the amount of $10,000 to $30,000. It was noted that Audubon, Brayton and Exira are all eligible locations. The Supervisors agreed this would be a great grant to receive.
The grant is due December 30th.
The Supervisors also set their meeting dates in December for the 3rd, 10th, 17th, 23rd, and 31st and will hold their first meeting of 2025 on January 2nd.
The Supervisors then set a meeting with the Conference Board for December 10th at 1:00 p.m. regarding the Assessor position. Assessor Brenda Nelson tendered her resignation in October.