(Atlantic) The opening of the new Atlantic Splash Pad has been pushed back.
Jeremy Butler, with the Atlantic Splash Pad Committee, explained that the Splash Pad went out for bids in the spring with an aggressive timeline of having it finished by Labor Day. Many of the contractors that were interested told Snyder and Associated that they would like to submit a bid, but could not guarantee that short timeline. After much consideration, the City along with the Splash Pad Committee decided to change the completion date until next spring.
Butler said any time there is a project like this, issues may arise.
Butler said the grading for the splash pad is done, the rock base for the concrete is down, the plumbing is done, and the plan is to pour concrete the week of August 12th. The features will not arrive until sometime in September.
Jeremy Butler once again thanks the community for all of their support with the splash pad project.