(Harlan) On Tuesday, the Shelby County Board of Supervisors received reports and passed a resolution to reappropriate funds.
Shelby County Environmental Health Director Luke Wolken reported that his department will be under budget for this fiscal year. He also expressed concern that heavy equipment used during tornado cleanup may have damaged septic systems. Additionally, passport and renewal numbers are up compared to the previous year, and appointments are necessary to obtain passports and keep the department on schedule.
Bryce Schaben reported that Manteno Park has been cleaned up from storm damage, and the boat ramp repairs are complete.
Steve Kenkel and Shelby County EMA Supervisors met with Iowa Governor Reynolds, Homeland Security, and FEMA officials to discuss measures needed to assist farmers affected by tornado damage. During the meeting, Shelby County suggested several programs. Kenkel also reached out to Congressman Feenstra and Senators Grassley and Ernst for assistance.
The Supervisors approved two utility right-of-way permits submitted to the Secondary Roads department by Rural Water and FMCTC.
Shelby County Auditor Mark Maxwell presented a reappropriation resolution, explaining that if county expenditures in different departments fall within the same service areas and funds, it can decrease appropriations in one department and increase the appropriation in another that uses the same service area and fund. This results in no change in Shelby County’s budget, as far as the accounting is concerned. The motive for this procedure is to keep two departments within their allowed appropriations. The budgets for these two departments were approved before the billing for GIS expenditures and property insurance billing was received. The resolution was approved after a motion by Schaben and a second by Parkhurst.