(Atlantic, IA) Cass County had its weekly Board of Supervisors meeting today (Tuesday) discussing an important topic on emergency medical services. Under Iowa Code 422D, Cass County has now declared emergency medical services to be an essential service. With EMS becoming a new essential service, Cass County is now able to receive funding for emergency medical services through taxing the people of Cass County.
Brad Madsen, who ran the ambulance service in Atlantic during the 1990s, said this is something that has to go through.
According to Chapter 422D of the Iowa State Legislature, counties are required to put all tax money revenue in a direct deposit trust fund. Chapter 422D would allow but not limit, purchases of defibrillators and non-disposable essential ambulance equipment, as defined by rule by the Department of Health and Human Services.
Cass County District 1 Supervisor Steve Green also spoke about his own experience with emergency medical services.
Chapter 422D also states the cumulative total of the percent of income surtax imposed on any taxpayer in the county shall not exceed twenty percent. The reason for imposing the surtax
and the amount needed will be determined by the board of supervisors after the recommendation of the county Emergency Medical Services System Advisory Council.