(Guthrie County, IA) Guthrie County addresses its health service needs.
On Tuesday, the Guthrie County Board of Supervisors had their weekly meeting and discussed multiple topics in the health services world. One of the first topics of discussion is that Guthrie County will now have certified infection control nurses in the county amongst nursing homes and hospitals.
Nursing homes in Guthrie County have also run into staff shortages and don’t have the funds to maintain an infection control specialist.
Guthrie County is also low on vaccination rates among children. During the COVID-19 outbreak, they claim residents of Guthrie County were not able to see their primary care physician and receive standard vaccines amongst children.
Guthrie County also hopes to equip law enforcement and first responders with more tools to better the first response process by adding oxygen tanks and provide applicable training for those services. The meeting also included discussions about mental health offices in the county, as well as opening up a new office in Stuart.