(Audubon) The Audubon County Board of Supervisors is considering its options for maintaining an ambulance service in the future. Chairman Heath Hanson says the county’s ambulance services and the hospital are ceasing to work with outside groups, and the supervisors are looking at other options.
Hanson says one option is declaring EMS an essential service. However, this requires a taxing authority, which the county board of supervisors does not want to exercise.
Hanson says the board held a long discussion about this tax issue at Tuesday’s meeting.
One option is declaring EMS an essential service. Hanson says the supervisors have not voted on this. A commission is being formed to look at all options. The focus right now is maintaining an ambulance service between facilities.
Hanson assures the public the county has a plan in place, and there will NOT be any disruption in the ambulance service when the current company ceases operations. No one will have to worry about getting to another hospital if needed. Meanwhile, the supervisors are working on a long-term solution to keep the cost down while keeping the services going.