(Atlantic) The Atlantic City Council approved a sanitary sewer rehabilitation project contract on Wednesday night. The decision followed a public hearing, approval of the project specifications, and bids. The Council approved Hydro-Clean LLC’s bid for $91,500.00, which was 10 percent under the engineer’s estimate.
Dave Sturm of Snyder and Associates, the project engineers, stated that the sewer line is exposed in portions and has some infiltration that needs to be addressed. The line runs in a creek bed from Ash Street to Third Street.
Tim Snyder, Waste Water Treatment Plant Superintendent, says this project has been in the works for two years. He says the lining will increase the strength of the existing clay pipe, prevent it from shattering, and allow the creek to flow into the line during a storm event to prevent basement backups.
Another resolution approved by the city was a public hearing to borrow money in the principal amount not exceeding $90,000 to support the landfill financially if the landfill determines it is necessary. Years ago, the landfill instituted a per-capita fee of $12.00 per resident to be assessed annually. The amount is $85,344, payable in four equal payments during the fiscal year.