(Des Moines) It was a busy week in the Iowa State House as they approached the first funnel deadline, which is today. This is when most bills proposed in the House or Senate must be voted out by their respective committee for floor action.
Iowa House District #18 Representative Tom Moore from Griswold says the Iowa House has proposed School Supplemental Aid at three percent for the fiscal year 2025 for the regular program and the categorical supplements.
Moore says they reviewed this bill in conjunction with the teacher’s compensation package. Moore says the proposed bill came down to the fact that school districts cannot pay their bills at two-and-a-half percent.
Representative Moore says this is an annual bill mandated by state law to be decided on during the first 30 days of the legislative session.
The proposed bill also extends the Property Tax Relief Payment an additional year, which has the state pick up a property tax growth in the additional levy portion of the school funding formula. The State cost per pupil amount on which the school aid formula is based increases to $7,864.