(Atlantic) Atlantic Splashpad Fundraising Committee Co-Chair Jeremy Butler Released a statement regarding Tuesday’s City Council Meeting.
“I would like to clear up a few things from the February 6th, 2024 Atlantic City Council meeting. The minutes that were read from the April 5th, 2023 were correct but comments that were made were not put into context. Before that meeting the fundraising had not been kicked off. The “fiasco” that Councilman Brink was referring to was the fact that my committee had been trying to start fundraising since the fall of 2022. We were running into road blocks at every turn and that night the council made a unanimous decision to let us go and raise the money. The committee has never wavered from their primary focus which was getting the Splash Pad completed. It has been one of the things at the top of the community’s wish list for several years.”
“I want to go on record saying that we have an amazing City Council that has supported this project from the beginning. They have had questions and concerns that have always been discussed and worked through with give and take from both sides. They would not be doing their jobs if they were not only looking out for the citizens of Atlantic but also being good stewards of the tax dollars that they are entrusted with. Our City Administrator has also done a very good job in supplying them with information on any impact maintenance on the splash pad could have on future budgets as well as where the funds could come from for their contribution to the initial build. This has allowed the Council to make informed decisions.”
“Lastly I would like to thank SWIPCO. John McCurdy and his staff have been amazing. They were doing what they were told by the “City of Atlantic” They are now working tirelessly to put a large grant together in 10 days that should have been worked on for several months. They could have very easily and understandably said no but instead decided to buckle down and get this done.”
“In closing I would like to thank concerned citizens that have reached out or commented on social media. I however ask that we do not start a mob mentality. We are part of an amazing community and I urge each of you to be a part of the change that you would like to see happen. There are so many committees that need volunteers and this project proves that volunteers can get things done. Please feel free to reach out if you have a passion and I will be happy to get you connected with the right people.”