(Atlantic) Atlantic hosts Red Oak and Creston in a boy’s double-dual tonight, the S.W.A.T. Valkyrie take on Highway 34, and Red Oak in high school girls wrestling at Atlantic. The meet features eleven ranked boys wrestlers and two ranked girls.
Atlantic Head Boys Coach Tim Duff says the varsity girls will compete on one mat and the boys on the other.
On the boys’ side, Coach Duff says Creston is one of the premier teams in southwest Iowa.
The ranked wrestlers competing according to Iawrestle:
#12 Taye Jordan, Atlantic, 106
#4 Christian Ahrens, Creston, 120
#2 Aiden Amith, Atlantic, 126
#12 Lincoln Keeler, Creston, 132
#12 Kyler Sandholm, Red Oak, 138
#8 Austin Evans, Creston, 150
#10 Adam Baier, Red Oak, 157
#9 William Bolinger, Creston, 165
#12 Quinton Fuller, Creston, 215
#5 Evan Sorensen, Atlantic, 285
#12 Sam Chapman, Creston, 285
#2 Grace Britten, SWAT, 170
#8 Savannah Sistad, Creston, 235
The matches will be live-vide-streamed on westerniowatoday.com. It is broadcast on 95.7 F.M. The pre-meet coverage starts at 5:15 p.m. The first match is at 5:30 p.m.