(Des Moines) Taylor McCreedy of the Atlantic FFA wrapped up her week at the Iowa State Fair, finishing runner-up in the Iowa State Fair Cowgirl Queen Contest. McCreedy won several divisions and was named the Reserve Champion High Point Individual FFA Horseman.
In the FFA Farm Crops Contest, Atlantic FFA placed 9th as a team. Hayden Kleen placed 7th in field corn multi-ear class, Lauren Comes placed 2nd in Sudan grass hay, and 4th in grass hay.
In the FFA Photography Show at the Iowa State Fair, Lily Johnson won 1 Blue & 2 Red Ribbons. Ja uie Freund won a 1 Red Ribbon, Abbi Richter won 2 Blue & 1 Red Ribbon, and Maddie Ritcher received one Red Ribbon.
In the FFA Swine Show, Grant Petty showed his Market Gilt placing 10th and earning a Blue Ribb n. Grant also showed his Market Barrow earning a Blue Ribbon.