4-H Poultry Awards
Champion Pen of 3 Egg Layers: Walker Gary of Bear Grove Blazers
Champion Hy-Line Egg Production Pen: Makayla Atkinson of Pymosa Club
Reserve Champion Hy-Line Egg Production Pen: Abbi Richter of Grove H.O.T.
Champion Market Broiler Pen: Walker Gary of Bear Grove Blazers
Reserve Champion Market Broiler Pen: Jack Brahms of Union Leaders
Champion Market Rate of Gain- Pen of 3 Chickens: Walker Gary of Bear Grove Blazers
Reserve champion Market Rate of Gain – Pen of 3 Chickens: Jack Brahms of Union Leaders
Champion Market Duck: Faithlynn Scholl of Benton Franklin
Runner Up Champion Market Duck: Brayton Scholl of Benton Franklin
Champion Market Turkey: Braxton Scholl of Benton Franklin
Reserve Champion Market Turkey: Abbi Richter of Grove H.O.T.
Champion Large Fowl: Lily Johnson of Grove H.O.T.
Reserve Champion Large Fowl: Lily Johnson of Grove H.O.T.
Champion Bantam: Rio Johnson of Grove H.O.T
Reserve Champion Bantam: Rio Johnson of Grove H.O.T.
Champion Duck: Dawson Sorenson of Bear Grove Blazers
Reserve Champion Duck: Dawson Sorenson of Bear Grove Blazers
Champion Goose: Dawson Sorenson of Bear Grove Blazers
Reserve Champion Goose: Dawson Sorenson of Bear Grove Blazers
Champion Pigeon: Rio Johnson of Grove H.O.T.
Champion All Other Poultry: Rio Johnson of Grove H.O.T.
Reserve Champion All Other Poultry: Basilio Sekap of Bear Grove Blazers
Poultry Best of Show: Rio Johnson of Grove H.O.T.
Reserve Champion Best of Show: Dawson Sorenson of Bear Grove Blazers
Champion Overall Poultry Showman: Bethany Anderson of Atlantic FFA
Reserve Champion Overall Poultry Showman: Rio Johnson of Grove H.O.T./Atlantic FFA
Champion Senior Poultry 4-H Showman: Claire Schroder of Grove H.O.T.
Champion Junior Poultry 4-H Showman: Basilio Sekap of Bear Grove Blazers
Champion Egg Judging: Canlan Almos of Pleasant-Noble United
Reserve Champion Egg Judging: Abby Richter of Grove H.O.T.
FFA Poultry Awards
Champion FFA Egg Layers Pen of 3: Abbi Richter of Atlantic FFA
Champion FFA Market Broiler Pen of 3: Walker Gary of Atlantic FFA
Reserve Champion FFA Market Broiler Pen of 3: Jack Brahms of CAM FFA
Champion FFA Hy-Line Pen of 3: Jack Brahms of CAM FFA
Reserve Champion FFA Hy-Line Pen of 3: Maddie Richter of Atlantic FFA
Champion FFA Market Chicken Rate of Gain Pen of 3: Walker Gary of Atlantic FFA
Reserve Champion FFA Market Chicken Rate of Gain Pen of 3: Jack Brahms of CAM FFA
Champion FFA Market Duck: Rio Johnson of Atlantic FFA
Champion FFA Market Duck: Lily Johnson of Atlantic FFA
Champion FFA Market Turkey Individual: Maddie Richter of Atlantic FFA
Reserve Champion FFA Market Turkey Individual: Natalye Scholl of CAM FFA
Champion FFA Large Fowl Individual: Rio Johnson of Atlantic FFA
Reserve Champion FFA Large Fowl Individual: Abbi Richter of Atlantic FFA
Champion FFA Large Bantam Fowl Individual: Bethany Anderson of Atlantic FFA
Reserve Champion FFA Large Bantam Fowl Individual: Rio Johnson of Atlantic FFA
Champion FFA Duck Individual: Claire Schroder of Atlantic FFA
Reserve Champion FFA Duck Individual: Claire Schroder of Atlantic FFA
Champion Egg Judging Class: Abbi Richter of Atlantic FFA
Reserve Champion Egg Judging Class: Walker Gary of Atlantic FFA
FFA Champion Poultry Showmanship: Walker Gary of Atlantic FFA
Grand Champion Best of Show: Claire Schroder of Atlantic FFA
4-H Meat Goat Awards
Champion Meat Goat: Ashton Heigen of Grant Guys & Gals Club
Reserve Champion Meat Goat: Greyson Smith of Griswold Clubsters
Cass Co. Overall Supreme Champion Market Goat: Ashton Hiegen of Grant Guys & Gals Club
Cass Co. Overall Reserve Supreme Champion Meat Goat: Natalye School of CAM FFA
Champion Top Gaining Meat Goat: Greyson Smith of Griswold Clubsters
Reserve Champion Top Gaining Meat Goat: Lane Mills of Union Leaders
Cass Co. Overall Supreme Champion Breeding Doe: Natalye Scholl of CAM FFA
Cass Co. Overall Reserve Supreme Champion Breeding Doe: Nollan Smith of Griswold Clubsters
Champion Senior Breeding Doe: Karly Byers of Griswold Clubsters
Reserve Champion Senior Breeding Doe: Sawyer Becker of Union Leaders
Champion Yearling Breeding Doe: Greyson Smith of Griswold Clubsters
Reserve Champion Yearling Breeding Doe: Brayden Scholl of Benton Franklin Club
Champion Junior Breeding Doe: Faithlynn Scholl of Benton Franklin
Reserve Champion Junior Breeding Doe: Ashten Haigen of Grant Guys & Gals
Champion Overall Meat Goat Showman: Natalye Scholl of CAM FFA
Reserve Champion Overall Meat Goat Showman: Karly Byers of Griswold Clubsters
Champion Senior Meat Goat Showman: Parker Brock of Grove H.O.T.
Champion Intermediate Meat Goat Showman: Karly Byers of Griswold Clubsters
Runner-up Intermediate Meat Goat Showman: Greyson Smith of Griswold Clubsters
Champion Junior Meat Goat Showman: Faithlynn Scholl of Benton Franklin
Runner-up Junior Meat Goat Showman: Brayten Scholl of Benton Franklin
Supreme Champion Breeding Doe: Faithlynn Scholl
Reserve Supreme Champion Breeding Doe: Karly Byers of Griswold Clubsters
Champion Home Raised Meat Goat: Greysen Smith of Griswold Clubsters
Reserve Champion Home Raised Meat Goat: Nollan Smith of Griswold Clubsters
Champion Purchased Meat Goat: Ashton Hagen of Grant Guys & Gals Club
Reserve Champion Purchased Meat Goat: Kailey Swain of Pleasant Noble United
4-H Dairy Goat Awards
Champion Dairy Goat: Grayson Smith of Griswold Clubsters
Reserve Champion Dairy Goat: Brayden Scholl of Benton Franklin
Champion Overall Dairy Goat Showman: Taylor McCreedy of Atlantic FFA
Champion Junior Dairy Goat Showman: Greyson Smith of Griswold Clubsters
FFA Meat Goat Awards
Grand Champion FFA Meat Goat: Natalye Scholl of CAM FFA
Reserve Champion FFA Meat Goat: Trista Swain of Griswold FFA
Grand Champion FFA Breeding Doe: Natalye Scholl of CAM FFA
Reserve Champion FFA Breeding Doe: Nollan Smith of Griswold FFA
Champion FFA Meat Goat Showmanship: Natalye Scholl of CAM FFA
Reserve Champion FFA Meat Goat Showmanship: Nollan Smith of Griswold FFA
Champion FFA Dairy Goat: Lily Johnson of Atlantic FFA
Reserve Champion FFA Dairy Goat: Lily Johnson of Atlantic FFA
Champion FFA Rate of Gain Goat: Gollin Evans of Griswold FFA