(Atlantic) This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Grove Township 4-H Clubs.
Past Grove HOT, Glad Girls of Grove, Grove Go Getters and Forever Green members and leaders attended the King & Queen Contest at the Cass County Fair Thursday evening for recognition and a presentation.
Rio Johnson is the current President of the Grove HOT 4-H Club…
Melissa Johnson, one of the leaders of Grove HOT, recognized the many families and individuals that have been a part of, and continue to be a part of the Grove Township 4-H Clubs. Johnson also honored some of the oldest surviving members and leaders.
Current members will be participating in the Share the Fun event at 5:30 p.m. today in the Community Building. They will take the audience back in time in their Share the Fun Acts as they continue to celebrate 100 years of history. You can also stop at the Grove HOT display table in the Community Building to take a look at pictures and sign the Club birthday card.