(Adair) At the meeting on Wednesday, the Adair-Casey School Board turned down the single-bid for the bleacher project at the AC/GC Junior High Football Field.
Josh Rasmussen, shared superintendent with Adair-Casey, and Guthrie Center, tells KSOM/KS95 News the board approved the plans, specifications, and contract form with Snyder & Associates. However, there was just one bid, and the school board declined it.
On Tuesday, the Guthrie Center School Board approved the contract for Sarah Sheeder as the shared school business official with Adair-Casey and Guthrie Center.
Sheeder submitted her letter of resignation to the Atlantic School Board on Monday. Sheeder currently resides in the Guthrie Center School District, graduated from Guthrie Center High School, and her youngest son is now a freshman at AC/GC High School. Sheeder stated she is making a move to benefit her family. She would like to work with all three districts on a transition plan that will work for all of them.