(Atlantic) The Atlantic City Council approved the engineering agreement for $35,000 for the Splashpad project, endorsed by the Atlantic Park and Rec Board with the project’s fundraising agreement with Snyder and Associates.
Meanwhile, several issues have arisen regarding the fundraising for this proposed project and the committee partnering with the non-profit Shift ATL organization to help with grant writing. The Cities Auditor forwarded several issues that appeared to be indirectly addressed in the agreement. Meanwhile, Atlantic City Councilman Gerald Brink stated at Wednesday’s meeting that he is tired of talking to people, and it’s time to move forward.
Brink recommended, and the Council agreed to turn the fundraising committee loose and get it done.
In December, the Atlantic Park and Rec Board of Directors approved an approximate 5,000-square-foot kidney-shaped Splashpad built near the Sunnyside pool. The facility will be zoned for different age groups, with two to three different activators for each zone. It will include a shaded area with an approximate all-in budget of around $600,000.