(Audubon) The FY24 Budget has been approved by the Audubon County Board of Supervisors.
The county tax levy rate is $6.37 per thousand dollars of valuation and the rural only is $6.24 for a county wide total of $12.61. That’s up from last year’s $11.73. Supervisor’s Chairman Doug Sorensen made a point to clear things up about the assessed values. “The property tax assessments have nothing to do with the Supervisors and really only a modest amount with the Assessor. The Assessor basically takes a code book and a book that she has as far as how she is to assess home and property values and she applies what is in the book to the property. As long as she does that, he or she, ours is Janell Bluml and her staff, if they apply that book in a fair and consistent and unbiased way to every property regardless of who that person is, that’s all we can expect.”
Sorensen is confident Bluml and her department are going about things the correct way. “She wants to be as fair and consistent as possible. There were some fairly big changes in that book and that’s what some people are seeing on their assessment. It’s really causing a lot of concern when people see their property value assessment going up 30%.”
In other news, during the Secondary Roads update it was reported that the M66 project north of Kimballton will start next week. A four mile stretch will be closed to through traffic. It’s expected to take about a month to complete and then crews will start on F32 between M66 and Highway 71.