(Atlantic) Thirty-three girls reported to preseason practice for the Atlantic Tennis Team this season. Atlantic Head Coach Mike McDermott says three players returning with varsity experience are Keira Olson, Rio Johnson, and Quincy Sorensen.
“Those three played a lot of tennis for us last year and are going to move up the ladder quickly somewhere in those first three spots,” said McDermott. “What we like about Olson, Johnson, Sorensen, and all of our players is they are out for multiple sports. They haven’t necessarily been swinging a racket year-round, but they have been competing, and that is what we like.”
Coach McDermott mentions a handful of other players that gained some valuable experience one year ago. “Mary McCurdy is back with some experience last year, along with Genevieve McCalla, and Jade Harter, a junior, has been practicing well for us, as well as Alex Garcia, Josephine Sorenson, and Kaydee Pedersen, all of those players have some varsity experience. So we have many girls pushing for spots, and that is a good problem to have. The key is how quickly we can finish the job over the next two weeks of practice.”
The Atlantic girls open the season on April 3 at Kuemper.