(Atlantic) Atlantic City Administrator John Lund told the Atlantic City Council on Wednesday the Atlantic Parks, and Recreation Director’s Position has been narrowed down to two candidates.
Lund says the two candidates are John Wyatt Adderton from Georgia, and Michelle Spunaugle, who grew up in Griswold, and currently resides in Villisca.
Lund says John Wyatt Adderton is currently a Park Ranger, and his spouse is a Pilot who will be based in southwest Iowa. Lund says Michelle Spunaugle has a Park Ranger background.
Adderton will be in Atlantic for an interview and tour on Friday. Spunaugle’s interview is currently being scheduled. Following the interview process, Lund wants a formal recommendation from the Park Board.
In other business, the Atlantic City Council approve a small language change to the City of Atlantic Personnel Policy.
City Administrator John Lund says this is a small language change to the Personnel Policy used in the final sentence referring to the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988. This Act requires persons to report any conviction under a criminal drug statute for violations occurring on or off the employer’s premises while conducting official business. A report of conviction must be made to an employee’s department head within 24 hours of the conviction. Failure to do so results in immediate dismissal from an employee’s position. He says the reason for the change is the policy implies an employee may lose his or her job with the City after being found guilty of doing drugs on city time or city property but remain employed by the City and thus eligible for employment in another position. Lund says the change would now read “failure to do so will result in immediate termination of employment.”
The City Council also approved the First Whitney Bank & Trust as the City’s Official Bank for the City and approved the Atlantic News Telegraph s the City’s Official newspaper.