(Atlantic) The Cass County Board of Supervisors will continue discussing the request to use ARPA funds for a new tourism director. Cara Morgan, from Golden Hills RC & D, will appear in front of the Board on this morning for a presentation on tourism, trails, and information on the feasibility of a full or part-time Cass County tourism director.
For the past 15 years, Kenner Baxter of Marne led the Cass County Tourism group as a volunteer and announced her plans to retire last spring.
The past week, Brigham Hoegh provided the supervisors with a breakdown of what a part or full-time director would look like from the fiscal year 2022 through the fiscal year 2025. The total ARPA funding request for a part-time director is $63,922.80 and $118,722.35 for a full-time director.
The supervisors have received negative input from constituents regarding this issue.
Jennifer McEntaffer with CADCO and Bailey Smith from the Atlantic Chamber of Commerce stated they could not take on this position.
The meeting starts at 9:00 a.m. in the boardroom at the Courthouse.