(Audubon) A four mile stretch of M66 in Audubon County is up for a resurfacing project, but the work may be delayed.
Audubon County Board of Supervisors Chairman Doug Sorensen says the highway north of Kimballton might have to wait until next spring. “They want to start working on the intersection and then start preparing the rest of the four miles for an asphalt overlay. However, it appears that the asphalt company is quite behind.”
The county’s concern is the project wouldn’t get completed before winter if they try to finish it this year. “They wouldn’t get to it until at best late October. If it’s going go be that late we may just have to ask them not to prepare the four miles. Just do the work at the intersection and then quit until spring, because we don’t want to have that thing ground down and everything torn loose and then go into winter with the snow. So we might put a hold on it. That’s the way it’s looking.”
Sorensen says there are several line painting projects to take place throughout the county in September and October.