(Elk Horn) Exira-EHK begins the volleyball season September 3rd with the Missouri Valley Tournament.
Derek Reischauer, new head coach for the Spartans, has had a couple of weeks to get to know his team. “We have some pretty good athletes. We are a little low on numbers, we only have 12. Right now I see a good solid five and we are looking for some depth.”
He has identified some areas to clean up. “We’ve got to work out some footwork issues particularly with digging and passing. Right now that’s our biggest issue, particularly on serve receive. We haven’t had a whole lot of opportunities, given our numbers and girls missing practices. They’ve all been legit reasons, but we haven’t had more than ten girls in a practice.”
Reischauer admits he’ll get a better sense of what to expect once the season starts and he learns more about the competition, but one thing they intend to do is to exceed last year’s win total of ten matches. “I would like to get over that and I’m always wanting a conference championship. We do talk about that a little bit. Whether or not it’s realistic, time will tell.”
The Spartans will participate in the clinic in Atlantic this weekend, which coach calls a great opportunity to see their work pay off in a match type atmosphere.
Exira-EHK coach Derek Reischauer: