(Atlantic) This week a moving company transported contents from the High School and Achievement Center to the Atlantic Middle School. The reconstruction of the Middle School is complete as the result of the July 27, 2021, fire that damaged the structure’s interior. Students were relocated to the high school and Achievement Center during the school year. Now it’s time to move back in.
Atlantic School’s Superintendent Steve Barber says the classrooms will be ready for opening on August 23.
The Iowa Western Community College, Catholic Church, and Early Learning Center were some other temporary locations used during the reconstruction process.
Barber says the building principals started a furniture list, and once it’s known what is available, this portion of the move will take place. He says if the district replaces old furniture with some used Middle School Furniture, the old will be discarded. Barber says they will take inventory of what is available and develop a recommendation for the Board to discard school property.