(Atlantic) Atlantic Executive Chamber Director Bailey Smith appearing in front of the Atlantic City Council on Wednesday night, outlined this year’s goals. Those goals are working with Retail Coach, housing, business investor fund, and membership.
Smith says there are 85 buildings on Chestnut Street, and none of them are for sale; only three buildings are actively for rent, and two are currently undergoing renovation.
Smith says, according to data, 33,000 people visit the downtown per month, 40-percent are within 10-miles of Atlantic, and 30-percent come from 30-miles away. The highest household income is $63,000, and the highest traffic point is between 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.
Smith says the data shows the highest leakage area is Pet Supplies, Sporting Goods, automotive dealers, electronics, and appliances, particularly a specific brand of appliance.
The Chamber funding sources are 80-percent from membership dues, and the remaining 20-percent comes from Local Options Sales Tax. The Chamber includes 253 members spanning 12 communities, with 90-percent located in Atlantic.