(Atlantic) Code Enforcement Officer Kris Erickson appeared in front of the Atlantic City Council, proposing changes to the Nuisance Abatement Process. Erickson says it’s been six years since the cities raised the cost for abatements.
Currently, the City is paying $75.00 per employee per hour, and a surcharge on grass,
Erickson says the City has around one dozen repeat offenders, whether grass, snow, or garbage, and under the second notice, she wants to include that it will be their only notice. The City will continue to clean up a property owner’s mess at their cost if it continues to be a violation. Atlantic also has one of the highest grass compliances in the state, 12 inches. Erickson is considering lower the height allowance to nine inches. The proposals will have to go through a committee first before Council ratification.
Atlantic Mayor Grace Garrett reminds residents that the City has a collection of solid waste ordinances on the books. The regulation is 106.4 frequency of solid waste collection.
Garrett asks property owners to take care of their properties so the City doesn’t have to come in and then send the property owner the bill.