(Audubon) Plans have been finalized for the movement of offices within the Audubon County Courthouse.
The Board of Supervisor’s initial proposal in late March has been re-vamped to best meet everyone’s needs. “The Assessor’s Office will move up to the western two rooms of what formerly was the Public Health Office. The County Attorney will stay where he is. The Sheriff’s Office will gain the old Assessor’s Office and they’ll have more space for deputies. The EMA Director will move down to a part of the Sheriff’s Department. He’ll be right across from the Dispatcher. He’ll have a slightly larger office and be closer to the emergency people.”
Supervisor’s Chairman Doug Sorensen feels confident in the plan. “I think it’s a good plan and gave everybody more space. It’s very workable so we finalized that.”
The spaces will begin to be prepped for their new occupants with moves expected to take place this summer.