(Atlantic) On Monday night, the Atlantic City Council presented Dave Jones with a plaque created by Steve Livengood for Mayor Jones’ years of service to the Community. The retiring Mayor will end his career on the City Council on December 31, 2021.
Mayor Jones served on the council for 12-years before his election as Mayor in 2009. Jones says his primary focus was enhancing parks and recreation and owes it all to the staff, City Council, and the Public.
Outgoing City Councilmember Kathy Somers thanked Jones for his outstanding services to the people of Atlantic.
Somers recalls three things Mayor Jones reminded the council of.
Somers said that no one ran against him in two separate elections, an example of his outstanding service and leadership to the citizens of Atlantic.
Somers says under Mayor Jone’s helm, an upgrade of all city streets, requested chamber organize a concert in the City Park, now known as Produce in the Park, Bull Creek tunnel repaired to prevent sinkholes throughout the city of Atlantic. Under Jones’ leadership, she says incentive programs were established, including a T.I.F. policy, tax abatement program, and a housing incentive program, Hotel-Motel Tax, now providing funds for the park and rec department. The city’s new ambulance service secured a fresh logo pointing to healthy living and remodeled the City Hall’s exterior, to name a few.
Somers’ says under Dave Jones Leadership, the City’s Financial situation went from an A to an A-plus.