(Atlantic) The recount of the November 30th Mayoral Runoff Election confirmed Grace Garrett won with 588 votes over Tim Teig with 584 votes.
The recount team included Bert Hoeck picked by Tim Teig, Leanne Pellett picked by Grace Garett, and Tammy Wickman. The process was overseen by Doreen South, Assistant to the Cass County Auditor. The recount lasted just under 2 ½ hours.
The recount team made sure all of the ballots were sealed correctly in the packages before they were opened. They counted each ballot to make sure they matched the total numbers cast on Election night. Then, they separated the ballots between Tim Teig and Grace Garrett and counted those separately.
The recount confirmed that there was a total of 1,174 ballots cast in the November 30th Election.
Tim Teig had 169 absentee votes. Grace Garett had 209 absentee votes.
In the precinct that included Wards 1, 2 and 3; Tim Teig had 209 votes and Grace Garrett 193 votes. There were two write-in votes for Kathy Somers.
In the precinct that included Wards 4 and 5; Tim Teig had 206 votes and Grace Garrett 186 votes.