(Atlantic) On Saturday, the three Scrooge contestants, Ray Paulin, Tom Cappel, and Kelly Anstey, will lead the Atlantic Chamber’s Christmas Lighted Parade. The three brought in a record 2,299 in food items and $24,177.25 in cash, all of the proceeds going to the Atlantic Food Pantry. Ray Paulin earned the Grand Marshal’s seat.
Atlantic Chamber Director Bailey Smith says each float will have a holiday theme, lighting, and music. “The fireworks and lighted parade is a holiday tradition the community enjoys each year,” said Smith. “It’s fun to see how creative people get with their lighted displays.”
The Chamber will hand out awards for Best Overall Float, Best Holiday Spirit, and Twinkle-Twinkle Award.
Individuals and groups can find registration forms at atlanticiowa.com. The parade line-up starts at 5:00 p.m. at 6th and Walnut Street, float judging at 5:30 p.m., and begins at 6:00 p.m. Registration is encouraged but not required to participate in the parade.