(Audubon) Audubon Superintendent Eric Trager is pleased with the outcome of their Sale of Bonds on Monday.
The school district sold bonds to finance the remainder of their school renovation project. “We got a really good rate on that. We ended up at 2.08% which the best case scenario I showed the board in August, that compared to where we actually ended up, we will be about $900,000 under our best case scenario in terms of total principal and interest payment on that bond. So we had a good bond sale.”
Trager says they promised tax payers they wouldn’t have to come back and ask for any more property taxes for the project and now they are able to keep that promise. “We are also able to do that without being short sighted and leaving the district strapped for cash moving forward. We are in really good position to get this project done and remain viable and keep our facilities in top shape going forward here.”
A Special Board Meeting has been set for November 29th to sign off on the sale of those bonds. A meeting with contractors will be held December 8th with a start date of May 1st.