(Atlantic) The Atlantic City Council will hold a hearing on Wednesday for Brad and Sara Strouth requesting an exemption to raise chickens within City limits. The City currently bans poultry.
The Strouth’s, live at 1609 East 22nd Street, and have eight laying hens on their 2.35 acres of land, just south of East Ridge Park. The land to the south and west is farmland; some zoned for farming and some residential.
Atlantic City Administrator John Lund notes this is a City Council decision on what they want in the community. Urban farming is becoming a hot topic around the country.
If the council grants the Strouths’ request, Lund would respectfully request a formal moratorium on any other applications placed until resolving more pressing issues for the City, coupled with developing a well-planned and coordinated policy.
The City Council meeting starts at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday in the City Council Chambers at City Hall.