(Stuart) The Stuart Police Department says 14 vehicles were reported to have been burglarized Saturday night at multiple locations throughout the city.
In all, three of the victims reported missing items and the rest reported their vehicles were rummaged through but did not appear to have anything missing. It is believed that each of the vehicles were unlocked at the time of the burglaries. On the same night vehicle burglaries were also reported in the communities of Guthrie Center, Panora and Jefferson. It is believed that these cases are connected.
On Sunday, Stuart Police officers recovered one item that had been reported stolen from a vehicle the previous night. Video evidence was also obtained at two separate locations showing the suspects. The Stuart Police Department is continuing to review video evidence from local businesses and residences. A group of possible suspects has been identified and an investigation involving several law enforcement agencies in Boone, Dallas, Greene, Guthrie, and Polk Counties is ongoing.
The Stuart Police Department reminds residents to remove valuables from your vehicle, park in well-lit areas, keep your doors locked, and consider getting video cameras installed on your houses. Most vehicle burglaries occur on un-locked vehicles and one of the best ways to deter vehicle burglaries is to keep vehicles locked and free of valuables. These crimes are often “Crimes of Opportunity” and suspects usually won’t risk the time and noise of forcibly breaking into vehicles.