(Lewis) Corn harvest at the Milk Unlimited Dairy Farm northeast of Lewis began last week, and its Managing Partner Kelly Cunningham says despite a lack of subsoil moisture, timely rains are yielding a good crop.
Milk Unlimited chops the corn for silage and harvest 36,000 tons and feed 175 tons per day to the 3,400 cow operation.
When looking at the Dairy Industry as a whole, Cunningham says high feed costs affect the bottom line.
Milk Unlimited, founded in 1998, milks approximately 3,400 Holstein and Pro-Cross cows. The dairy produces 235,000 pounds of milk per day. Milk Unlimited ships 95-percent of its’ product to the AMPI Cheese plant in Sanborn, Iowa.
This operation prioritizes good animal care practices and focuses on caring for the land by implementing cover crops and innovative manure management plans. In July 2019, Kelly and Kristy Cunningham and Milk Unlimited received the “Wergin Good Neighbor Award,” recognizing livestock farmers who take pride in caring for the environment, their livestock, and being good neighbors.
Kelly and Kristy host many tours throughout the year, educating the students and the public about the dairy industry.