(Des Moines) Lane Elmquist and his show steer “Nelson” have had quite a summer. The Audubon teen’s steer was selected as the Grand Champion at the Iowa Governor’s Charity Steer Show on Saturday at the Iowa State Fair.
Elmquist exhibited “Nelson” at the Beef Expo, Austin Alt Memorial Classic, the Barn to Backdrop Classic, earned Grand Champion honors at the Audubon County Fair, qualified for the Southwest Iowa Shootout, and polished it off with top honors at the Governor’s Charity Steer Show. Lane is the son of Joe and Brittany Elmquist.
According to the press release; the 2021 show featured 24 Iowa steer exhibitors. Ben Kelly of Dallas Center picked the Grand Champion Steer, and Mike Sorensen of Greenfield selected the Grand Champion Showman. Elmquists’ steer was shown by Celebrity Showman Jeff Angelo and sponsored by the Iowa Bankers Association, and purchased by Friends & Family of Lane Elmquist and the Audubon Community. Grand Champion Showman honors went to Celebrity Showman Teagan Schaefer of TaterTough. Schaefer led steer Hero, raised by Carlee Cremeens and sponsored by the Iowa Hereford Breeders Association.
This year’s show raised a record $375,265.92. All proceeds go towards the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Iowa, with houses in Des Moines, Iowa City, and Sioux City. The local charities provide a “home away from home” for families of sick children.
Since 1983, the Iowa Governor’s Charity Steer Show has raised over $4.5 million for the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Iowa. The Office of the Governor of Iowa, Iowa Cattlemen’s Association, and Iowa Beef Industry Council would like to thank past and present donors for their support. This event demonstrates the “Cattlemen Care” and “Iowa Nice” mantra, synonymous with Iowa.
This year’s People’s Choice Award went to celebrity Eric Hanson and exhibitor Molly Chapman. The Community Hero award was a new honor in 2021 and encouraged youth exhibitors to promote a sense of community through donated non-perishable goods and pop tabs and social media engagement to raise awareness of the event. Youth exhibitor Kami Schrunk received the first Community Hero Award for exemplary leadership and promotion of the cause. Social media played an important role in exposing the Iowa Governor’s Charity Steer Show to more than 266,000 people nationwide.
(Photo: File Photo of Elmquist and “Nelson” at Southwest Iowa Shootout)
For more information click on this link https://www.iowagovernorscharitysteershow.com/