(Atlantic) Produce in the Park is holding a Spring farmers market.
Brigham Hoegh, Market Manager, said the Spring Celebration Market will be held the day before Easter. The market will offer pre-order drive-through pick-up only (there will be no in-person shopping). Pre-orders will be accepted from Thursday, March 25 through Thursday, April 1 online at www.produceintheparkatlanticiowa.com. Purchases can be picked up on Saturday, April 3 at the Cass County Community Center between 12:00 – 2:00 PM.
Vendors interested in participating in Spring Celebration Market should contact the market manager at produceintheparkatlanticiowa@gmail.com or 712-249-5870 by March 19.
Event details, including vendors, and information on pre-orders will be posted on Produce in the Park’s website www.produceintheparkatlanticiowa.com and on the Produce in the Park Facebook page www.facebook.com/ProduceInThePark.
Produce in the Park 2021 farmers markets are sponsored by the Atlantic Community Promotion Commission and Cass County Tourism.