(Des Moines) The State of Iowa has launched a new website; vaccinate.iowa.gov, to provide Iowans with information on COVID-19 vaccinations.
Governor Kim Reynolds announced at her press conference Thursday that the website will provide information on eligibility resources available to assist Iowans and answers to frequently asked questions. It will also include a vaccine locater so you can find providers near you.
Reynolds said information on the site will be updated often and everything on the site can be translated into numerous languages to that it accessible to Iowans of all backgrounds.
Reynolds said the vaccine process is largely managed online, which can be challenging for some older Iowans who may not have a computer or those who have difficulty using one. To help, the state is establishing a dedicated team of vaccine navigators through the 211 call center to schedule appointments for Iowans age 65 and older who are unable to do so because of technology barriers. This service will be available starting the week of March 8th.
Reynolds said in the meantime; do not call 211 yet to schedule an appointment. Vaccine navigators are working through next week to schedule appointments for those who were added to the wait list that was created by the Area Agencies on Aging.
Reynolds said you will need to provide your insurance information to Hy-Vee when you check in to your appointment. This is only needed so that the insurance company can pay your vaccine provider their administration fee; there is no out of pocket expense to you, vaccines are provided free of charge.