(Atlantic) The Atlantic City Council Wednesday evening held a public hearing on amending the zoning ordinance by changing certain real property from Highway Commercial to Light Industrial.
Atlantic City Administrator John Lund said Mr. Armstrong would like to rezone his property at 1007 West 6th Street which would allow him to develop the property and utilize the built real estate while remaining in compliance with zoning setback regulations.
There was only one public comment from a nearby property owner.
Approval of the first reading of the ordinance to change the zoning died for a lack of a motion since the City Council would like to hear more information from the Planning and Zoning Commission.
In other activity, the City Council set a public hearing at their next meeting on the FY 2022 Maximum Property Tax Dollars for Certain Levies. The City will show an increase of 2.59%. Lund said while 2.59% is the increase in dollars generated, it is not going to be reflective of the impact on the property taxes levied against individual’s properties.
The City Council set a public hearing at their next meeting to enter into General Obligation Refunding Loan Agreement.
They also set a public hearing on a proposal to enter into General Obligation Solid Waste Management Loan Agreement and to Borrow Money Thereunder in the Principal Amount not to exceed $90,000. John Lund explains…
In other news, John Lund presented the FY 2022 Budget, 10-year Capital Improvement Plan, Budget Performance & Future Forecast. The proposed budget for FY 2022 totals $14,638,261; this is a decrease of 11.19% or $1,844,008 from the FY 2021 Revised Estimate of $16,482,269. As a result, Lund says the City’s combined property tax levy shall remain at the level set in the FY 2021 Budget. The City Council will take action on the budget in March.