(Harlan) Nishna Bend Recreation Area will host a snowshoeing event on Sunday.
The walk starts at 1:30 p.m and is open to the public. Naturalist Christina Roelofs says it’s for people of all ages. “I have all different sizes of snow shoes. For little kids I have some that look like bigfoot footprints so they are really fun and cute. I’ve also got some that are 36″ long for really big people too. They help give you traction on the snow and ice and distribute your weight over a bigger area so you don’t sink into the snow.”
How far you go and what you look for is up to the attendees. “We are going to have two people there to lead so if some people don’t want to go as far they don’t have to, but if others want to go far they can.”
It’s a free event with no preregistration required. Participants are asked to bring a mask and dress for the weather with layers recommended.