(Adair Co.) The Adair County Board of Supervisors approved a resolution at their meeting Wednesday morning setting dates of a consultation and a public hearing on a proposed amendment to the Adair County Northwest Wind Farm Urban Renewal Plan.
Adair County Auditor Mandy Berg said, “That resolution is first allowing me to send out notice to the taxing entities that are going to be affected by this Urban Renewal Plan and it informs them that we’ll have a consultation meeting with them on November 5th at 9:00 a.m. and give them directions on when to call in and if they have any questions they can ask during that time. It also allows me to publish and send a notice to the papers saying that we’ll be having a public hearing on this Urban Renewal Plan Amendment on November 25th.
Berg said the Urban Renewal Plan includes all of the information on the wind turbines they are adding and all of the projects they plan to accomplish with that.