(Atlantic) The Atlantic City Council set a public hearing on vacating certain right of way at their meeting last week.
Atlantic City Administrator John Lund said Dexter and Jill Dodson of 810 Plum would like to expand a fence around their property. The City has right of way immediately to the south of their property. The area is merely a stub of what would be street connection for 9th Street going east.
“It’s a stub of a street about the length of a regular sized lot so we’ll just divide it between the north and south lots and be done with it,” said Lund.
The public hearing will be held at the next City Council meeting on November 4th.
The Atlantic City Council also approved the third and final reading of Ordinance #999 vacating and conveying an alley located between Hemlock & Sycamore Street, south of East 18th Street. The Planning & Zoning Commission recommended the abutting property owners be informed that the City intended to vacate the alley and divide the right of way amongst the abutting lots.