(Atlantic) The Atlantic School Board discussed at length the section in the revised COVID-19 Board Policy in regards to wearing face coverings on school grounds. The discussion centered around whether to mandate face coverings in certain situations, or keeping them optional as the current policy reads.
The policy states; non-medical grade face masks are encouraged by all individuals on school grounds, including students, employees, and volunteers. The district will provide covers to individuals who request them, and reusable masks should be washed regularly by individuals wearing them.
After about a 40-minute discussion, the board passed the 1st reading of the revised COVID-19 board policy by a 3-2 vote. The plan must pass two readings before it becomes policy.
Jennie Williams, Kristy Pellett, and Josh McLaren voted yes. Laura McLean and Nick Hunt voted no. Hunt is for mandating all individuals in the grades above the elementary level to wear face masks where it is impossible to social distance.
Hunt also based his reasoning on Cass County Public Health Director Beth Olsen, who expects an increase in positive tests when school starts on August 24.
Hunt says enforcement could be as simple as a “please or thank you.”
Hunt also feels mandating face coverings could be a learning experience for everyone.
Laura McLean says the idea of wearing a mask is to protect others.
School Board member Jenny Williams says it’s a tough call, and she’s been going back and forth on the issue for days. Williams, in the end, feels like it should be an option, except in some cases.
Board member Kristy Pellett feels it’s a hard sell to mandate students to wear the face coverings during the entire school day.
Atlantic Schools Superintendent Steve Barber noted an increase of positive cases or exposure to COVID-19 in both students and staff within the Atlantic School district. Barber says the district treated the positive instances as outlined in the safety portion of the school’s return-to-learn plan.
Cass County Public Health Director Beth Olsen appearing at Wednesday’s virtual school board meeting, provided an update on the county’s current positive cases of COVID-19. Olsen says as of Wednesday, there were 79 positive cases of COVID-19 in Cass County, with more positive cases coming out on Thursday. She says 47 of the 79 cases have recovered, The 14-day positivity rate in the county sits at 9-percent. Olsen says she expects the rate to increase, reflecting a large number of positive cases that surfaces over this past weekend.
On Thursday morning, the IDPH reported 82 positive cases in Cass County, and 47 have recovered.
Meanwhile, the School Board will meet early next week to make a final decision on the issue of face coverings. KSOM/KS95 news will release the date and time of the meeting as soon as it becomes available.