(Audubon) The City of Audubon’s long discussed ATV Ordinance is on track to go into effect this Friday.
Rules pertaining to ATV’s, Offroad Motorcycles, and Offroad Utility Vehicles have been established. City Clerk Joe Foran reveals it’s designed to be uniform with Audubon County’s Ordinance in order to make things simpler.
“Just so if you’re riding in the county and then you come into city limits there aren’t suddenly a whole bunch of different rules you have to follow. It’s going to be basically the same so you can drive right on through.”
A second reading of the ATV Ordinance was approved during Monday’s meeting and a third reading was waved. In other council activity, the water meter replacement project will resume as soon as possible. “They voted to go ahead and resume as soon as the company we’ve hired can do that. We were really close, probably 90% done when the pandemic happened.”
The Council also approved a Wastewater Sludge agreement with an area farmer and approved a grant agreement for their siren project.